Vampire Diaries" is known for its twists and turns, and one of its
stars, Ian Somerhalder, says Thursday night's season finale won't be any
"Elena's gonna make a big decision," teased the
34-year-old actor at CW's presentation of its programming for next
season. He couldn't elaborate on what decision or decisions would be
The series is set in a fictional Virginia town where
vampires, werewolves and witches live among humans (though not exactly
peacefully). At the heart of the series is a love triangle among vampire
brothers Damon (Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley), who both love
Elena (Nina Dobrev).
The show, which has been on the air since
2009, has a passionate fan following, and Somerhalder said Thursday that
he feels that investment almost everywhere he goes.
"I was in
Toronto yesterday and people were coming up to me, men, women, children,
literally some of them in tears, bludgeoning me with what's gonna
happen (on the show). ... People are very, very affected. I'm very
curious to see what the reaction is (to the season finale)."
character struck a particular chord with viewers. Introduced as an
antagonistic vampire, he's softened some over the years, largely due to
his love for Elena.
Initially, he wasn't sure about Damon losing some of his edge.
has to care about something sometimes, and I always wanted to stay the
bad guy, and (series co-creator) Kevin Williamson had to pound it into
my head that we didn't want Damon to be a one-trick pony. I disagreed,
but over time I realized (the writers) were right and you need a
layered, dynamic character," Somerhalder said.
"The Vampire Diaries" has a spinoff series, "The Originals," that will air on Tuesdays beginning this fall.
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